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I’m Rachel.

I’m a mom of two beautiful girls, wife of a creative/IT guy, and a 1st grade teacher with a masters in teaching reading. Above all, I have a passion for creating new ways for littles to learn.  My family and I currently live in Saratoga Springs, NY, but I’ve had the privilege of teaching throughout New York State, including New York City Public schools – all while getting to meet, work with, and learn from some incredible teachers!

With over 15 years of experience teaching K through 6, I’ve come to one simple conclusion – the kids with the strongest foundation have the easiest transition through grade school – but that doesn’t mean all children need to be at the same point or that all 5 year-olds need to be reading (just ask any kindergarten teacher and they will tell you being able to use scissors or tie your shoes are just as important to that successful path as identifying all the letters).

As my oldest approached preschool age, I began asking myself, “What exactly should I be working with her on to give her that strong foundation? What’s the best activities to help her learn those skills?” Around the same time, I happened to be taking my youngest to the pediatrician – who happens to have twin 4-year-olds at home. After trading stories, he laughed that, even as a pediatrician – with their kindergarten screening fast approaching – he didn’t know exactly what they needed to know or would be screened for.

If both a veteran teacher and a pediatrician were wondering what exactly they needed to be working on with their own preschoolers at home, I thought having an organized place to post activities as I work with my own little, might help others! At the very least, maybe the activities could help on a boring, rainy day:)