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Balancing Act!

Rachel Sturm, Founder

There are a few different versions of counting balances out there, but I picked up this balance toy for around $10 on an Amazon lightning sale. If you haven’t tried one of these with your preschooler, it’s worth the investment!

This little balance is an awesome visual with 3 levels of complexity to challenge with your little learner as they grow. When I picked this up my daughter was working on the first level. Pick a card – place the number on one side and count that many frogs to place on the other side (the card has a visual of both to support). As your preschooler becomes more comfortable with numbers though, he/she can than you this scale to explore addition. While your little one is learning to count and add, this scale simultaneously teaches measurement and how to use a balance. However, if you ask my daughter, the very best part about this learning toy is the little FROGS. 😉

Little learners today, leaders tomorrow… happy creating!

Want to try this activity out? Just pick up the materials below and have fun!

Are You a New York State Pre-K Teacher?

This lesson aligns with the Next Gen Standards:

  • Counting and Cardinality: Count to tell the number of objects
    PK:CC.3: Understand the relationship between numbers and quantities to 10; connect counting to cardinality
  • Operations & Algebraic Thinking
    PK.OA.1: Explore addition and subtraction by using objects, fingers, and responding to real world situations
  • Measurement & Data: Describe and compare measurement attributes
    PK.MD.1: Identify measurement attributes of objects, such as length or weight, and describe them using appropriate vocabulary



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